Seraj project (Small and Medium Enterprise Support)
It is a project that supports the expansion of livelihoods and business development programs for disadvantaged groups It will help launch 5,750 micro and small businesses, To improve income and provide pathways to self-reliance.

Mental health and psychosocial support project
A project aimed at educating individuals about the importance of mental health and its impact on daily life. The project is implemented in partnership with Action Against Hunger (ACF).

Community Capacity Building Project to Improve Working Conditions in Jordan
The project aims to improve working conditions and enable workers to access legal services through several services, which are legal awareness sessions targeting all categories of workers - legal advice - legal representation - community initiatives aimed at improving workers' conditions. The project is funded by the Swiss Agency and the Danish Council

Labib program to teach reading and arithmetic in Tahfeez
Teaching children reading and arithmetic in an interactive way that enables them to construct letter clips, form sentences and words, and collect numbers, in addition to teaching them some life skills by telling stories aimed at them.

The Community Network Project to Respond to the Social Impacts of the Corona Pandemic in Irbid Governorate
The community network project to respond to the social impacts of the Corona pandemic is launched to embody the idea of cooperation and positive interaction through a network of workers, experts and activists in the protection sector and volunteer work The project works to mitigate the social effects of the Corona pandemic and to involve stakeholders and civil society institutions working in the protection sector by building and rehabilitating the institutions’ capacities.