"Enhancing and activating youth capacities economically and socially through training and establishing small projects in Irbid Governorate

The project aims to enhance the role of civil society institutions in social welfare and provide training and employment opportunities for youth. It also aims to increase their economic participation through partial training and employment programs, as well as building their professional and technical capacities, in addition to creating sustainable opportunities that contribute to their support.

Vocational training for the project to improve livelihoods and social ties

The vocational training provided to beneficiaries of the Siraj Office's livelihood improvement and social cohesion project aims to enhance their efficiency, develop their skills and knowledge, enabling them to perform their tasks effectively. This includes training them in necessary technical and practical skills for their household projects, alongside fostering personal and communication skills to contribute to success across various domains.

"Project for Enhancing Marketing Capacities of Small and Home-Based Businesses in Northern Governorates"

The project aims to identify the needs of small and home-based businesses, with the goal of finding solutions to market their products and connecting them with marketing channels as an added value provided through the project's various activities in the northern governorates (Irbid, Ajloun, Jerash, and Mafraq). Additionally, it focuses on building the capacities of small business owners and enhancing product development through packaging, photography, and marketing. It aims to provide sustainable display spaces for small and home-based business products by networking them with a stimulating market and linking them to the local market.

Tahfeez Market

A sustainable display and marketing space for small home and micro projects, serving as a cornerstone for an innovative commercial market. This platform provides a permanent venue to professionally showcase and market products from small home and micro projects in a creative, effective manner. The goal is to sustain these ventures and address shopping-related challenges associated with them.